What are bed bugs, and where do they come from?

Bed bugs can be found in various parts of the world, including India. They are small insects, typically around 5 mm in length, with a flat oval shape that becomes rounder and darker after feeding. Bed bugs tend to emerge at night, often drawn to body heat and carbon dioxide from humans.

These insects typically hide in cracks, crevices, and furniture near beds during the daytime. Common hiding spots include mattress seams, bed frames, and behind furniture. Bed bugs may be introduced into homes by being transported on clothing, suitcases, or second-hand furniture. They are also commonly found in places like hotels, lodges, cinemas, and buses where people spend time or sleep.

Prevention measures:

Chemical prevention methods involve applying insecticides to areas where bed bugs might enter or hide, such as cracks, seams in furniture, and baseboards. This can create a barrier that helps reduce the chances of an infestation. Following instructions for reapplication ensures effectiveness over time.